Elissa's Portfolio
Bump to Baby
Family Portraits
Behind The Scenes
Behind The Scenes
Comedy with Liner Notes
Wedding Client Galleries
Aileen and Chris
Alessandra and Travis
Ali and Marc
Alison and luis
Allie and Justin
Allison and Jared
Allison and Joe
Alyssa and Benny
Alyssa and Eric
Alyssa and Mike
Amanda and Chris
Amanda and Evan
Amanda and Greg
Amanda and Greg
Amanda and Kwame
Amanda and Nick
Amanda and Rich
Amber and Dylan
Amelia and Matt
Amy and Dennis
Andrea and David
Andrea and Sean
Anita and Bill
Ansia and Bradley
Ashley and Charles
Ashley and Chris
Ashley and Jason
Ashley and Mike
Ashley and Nick
Becky and Johnny
Berna and Juan
Beth and Blaine
Beth and Gene
Beth and John
Bridget and Mike
Brittany and Matt
Brooke and Ian
Caitlin and Brian
Caitlin and John
Caitlin and Zack
Carolyn and Matthew
Carolyn and Michael
Carolyn and Michael
Casey and Spencer
Catie and Tyler
Cayla and Jeff
Celina and Kyllack
Charles and Jan
Charles and Jan unedited
Charline and Steve
Christina and Edmond
Christina and Eric
Christina and Kevin
Christina and Kevin
Christina and Ray
Christina and Steve
Christine and Aaron
Christine and Arthur
Cindy and Chris
Cindy and Chris
Claudia and Matt
Courtney and John
Courtney and Kevin
Cynthia and Nick
Dana and Matt
Dana and Mike
Dana and Mike 2
Danielle and Adam
Danielle and David
Danielle and Jon
Danielle and Martin
Danielle and Matt
Danielle and Travis
Danna and Victor
Dara and Brandon
Dara and Michael
Deacy and KC
Deacy and KC photo favors
Dee and Joie
Denise and Pat Photo Favors
Denise and Patrick
Denise and Sean
Dennis and Nathan
Diana and Andy
Diana and Chris
Diana and Mike
Dominique and Ryan
Dulce and Dan
Eboni and Drew
Eddie and Dayana
Eileen and Clint
Eileen and Clint Red Carpet Images
Elisha and Chris
Elissa and Adam
Elissa and Giuseppe 60th
Eliza and Matt
Ellissa and Jason
Elvira and Cris
Emily and Bryan
Emily and Devin
Emily and Nick
Emily and Peter
Emily and Rob
Erica and Phil
Erika and Anthony
Erin and Jy
Erin and Neil
Erin and Todd
Felecia and Alex
Forrest and Jamie
Francine and Angelo
Francine and Young
Friday Night U&R
Gavriel and Lily
Ginger and Joe
Hannah and Zach
Heather and Charl
Heather and Connor
Heather and Darrin
Heather and Francis
Heather and Jared
Heather and Keith
Heather and Michael
Heather and Peter
Heather and Seth
Heather and Tim
Helena and David
Hilary and Chris
Jack and Faye
Jackie and Jonathan
Jackie and Michael
Jackie and Steven
James and Ali Rehearsal Dinner
Janine and Alex
Janine and Jared
Jen and Joe
Jen and Kuda
Jenelle and Patrick
Jenna and Chris
Jenna and Jeff
Jennifer and Chris
Jennifer and Cliff
Jennifer and Dan
Jennifer and Louis
Jennifer and Louis Photo Favors
Jennifer and Matt
Jennifer and Nathan
Jessica and Anderson
Jessica and Brian
Jessica and Chris
Jessica and Conor
Jessica and David
Jessica and Jason
Jessica and Kyle
Jillian and Tim
John and Ellen
John and Ellen Photo Favors
Jordan and Jamie
Jorge and Lee
Julianne and Tom
Julie and David
Justin and Matt
Kacey and Aramis
Kaitlyn and Cullen
Kaitlyn and Kevin
Kaitlyn and Shane
Kaitlyn and Shane 5/3
Kaitlyn and Shawn
Kaitlynn and Dan
Karen and Dan
Karly and Mike
Kate and Dan
Kate and Jake
Kate and Seif
Katherine and Andres
Katherine and Chad
Kathy and Ryan
Katie and Kyle
Katie and Michael
Katie and Michael
Katie and Mike
Katie-Anne and Michael
Katrina and Don
Katrina and Michael
Kayla and Matt
Kelli and Alan
Kelly and Adam
Kelly and Guido
Kelly and Jason
Kelly and Matt
Kelly and Matt Thank you's
Kelsey and Joshua
Kelsey and Nick
Kenia and Patrick
Kenia and Patrick Photo Favors
Keri and Matt
Kerianne and Dan
Kerri and Bryce
Kerri and Matt
Kerry and Frank
Kerry and Mike
Kharisma and Ted
Kim and Andrew
Kim and Andrew rehearsal dinner
Kim and Andrew Replacement photos
Kim and Louis
Kim and Mitch
Kim and Stephen
Kim Markarian Photo Favors
Kimba and Dave
Kimberly and Matt
Kristen and Alex
Kristen and Anthony
Kristen and Anthony
Kristen and Somp
Kristen and Tim
Kristin and Dane
Kristin and Josh
Kristin and Scott
Kristina and Tom
Krittika and Arun
Kyle and Jeremy
Laina and Dan
Laina and Dan 2
Laina Bridal Portraits
Larissa and Carlo
Laura and Bill
Laura and David
Laura and Michael
Lauren and Anthony
Lauren and Anthony
Lauren and Chris
Lauren and Jason
Lauren and Jordan
Lauren and Justin
Lauren and Stefan
Laurissa and Joe
Leanna and Andrew
LeeAnn and Andy
Leighann and Charlie
Leslie and Josh
Leyla and Jeff
Lillian and Charles
Lindsay and Dan
Lindsey and Christian
Lindsey and Dan
Lisa and Matt
Liz and Chris
Liz and Phil
Lori and Steve
Madelaine and Brian
Madeline and Marcin
Madisen and Nick
Maggie and Richard
Marcie and Matt
Marcy and Ernie
Margaret and David
Margaret and David Unedited
Maria and Charles
Maria and Chuck-Unedited
Marie and Hunter
Marie and Josh
Marisa and Joe
Marisol and Peter
Marissa and James
Marissa and Tyler
Mark and Gabriel
Martina and Alex
Mary and Scott
Mary and Sean
Mary and Shannon
MaryRose and Peter
Maya and Alex
Meaghan and Dan
Meaghan and Gus
Meaghan and Joe
Meaghan and Jose
Megan and Ronnie
Meghan and Chris
Meghan and Michael
Meghan and Mike
Melissa and Andrew
Melissa and Bill
Melissa and Denis
Melissa and Peter
Mercedes and Dean
Meredith and Billy
Michael and Connie
Michael and Cristobal
Michelle and Chris
Michelle and Geoff
Michelle and Scott
Miranda and Adam
Miryam and Jason
Mitchelle and Farley
MJ and Matt
Monica and Evan
Morgan and Charlie
Nadia and Chris
Nancy and Dan
Naomi and Paul
Natalie and Justin
Nichole and Steven
Nicole and Andrew
Nicole and Dan
Nicole and Dan
Nicole and Frank
Nicole and Kevin
Nicole and Kevin
Nicole and Steven
Niki and Patrick
Olivia and John
Paige and Rob
Pakeeza and Mike
Pamela and Scott
Pamela and Scott Photo Favors
Peanette and Jason
Perri and Joe
Phylisha and Jamal
Rachel and Jeremy
Rachel and Jorge
Rachel and Markus
Rachel and Michael
Rachel and Nick
Rebbecca and Bert
Rebecca and Brandon
Rebecca and Peter
Rebekah and James
Regina and Tim
Rivka and Danny
Robert and Reuel Dave
Robin and David
Robin and David all images
Robin and Davids favorites
Robyn and Vic
Roseann and Paul
Samantha and Giacomo
Samantha and Jason
Samantha and Nick
Samantha and Nick
Samantha and Nolan
Sandra and Amanda
Sandy and Frank's 50th Anniversary
Sara and Chris Pre Wedding photos
Sara and Chris Sunrise Portraits
Sara and Chris Wedding Day
Sara and Julian
Sara and Luke
Sara and Stephen
Sarah and Chris
Sarah and Glen
Sarah and Jon
Sarah and Patrick
Sarah and Paul
Sarah and Tyler
Shannon and Adam
Shannon and Chris
Shannon and Rob
Shelby and Steven
Soyal and Rahman
Stacy and Kevin
Stefanie and Vinny
Stephanie and Brandon
Stephanie and Cody
Stephanie and Dennis
Stephanie and Jimmy
Stephanie and Steve
Stephanie Boudoir
Susan and David
Susan and Scott
Suzanne and Geoff
Sydney and Paul
Tarik and Adonus
Teresa and John
Tiffany and Matthew
Tina and Paul
U&R Wedding Day
Vanessa and Chris
Vanessa and Melinda
Vickie and Steve
Vicky and Michael
Victoria and Luke
Yolanda and Robert
© EID Photography